Advertising Rates 2024

The Plain Truth is a subscription-only magazine, currently mailed FREE on request to readers in 84 countries across the globe, but with the majority of subscribers based in the UK.

The following prices are the 2024 rates for The Plain Truth.
If you wish to place advertising in The Plain Truth, please contact: Mary Hammond, Editor, on 01638 741549.

The Plain Truth will only accept advertising and inserts for products and services it feels appropriate for its Christian audience and is at the discretion of the Editor.

A limit of a maximum of four inserts per issue in The Plain Truth is the policy of the magazine and The Plain Truth will avoid, where possible, carrying inserts which are clearly ‘in competition’ within the same issue of the magazine.

Advertising in The Plain Truth magazine

Full Page: Colour, non-bleed (270 x 182mm) £450
Full Page: Colour, with bleed (303 x 216mm) £450
Half Page Horizontal: Colour (133 x 182mm) £300
Half Page: Horizontal Colour, with bleed (133 x 216mm) £300
Full Page: Outside back cover, non-bleed (297 x 210mm) £500
Full Page: Outside back cover, with bleed (303 x 216mm) £500
Quarter Page: Colour (133 x 88mm) £200
Eighth Page: Colour (66 x 88mm) £100
Artwork should be supplied in PDF format, CMYK.

Inserts in The Plain Truth magazine

Charged at £60 per thousand for inserts not over 10 grams. Each additional gram charged at an additional £10 per gram, per thousand inserts. All inserts should be delivered to our mailing house prior to printing.  Please ask for details on request.

Delivery of inserts to:
Red River Solutions Ltd.
Unit 13, Gillmans Industrial Estate
Natts Lane
West Sussex RH14 9EZ

Marked FAO Mathew Axten/Plain Truth

Tel: 01403 780989

Circulation and artwork details

Currently with a 4,500 print run, with 9,000 readers’ ratio (2-1) plus the 2016 Readership Survey recorded that 52% of subscribers passed their copy onto a friend after reading. In addition, many copies are also used in schools, church house groups, libraries and retreat centres, so an estimated readership of the printed version is around 20,000. PDF and FLIPBOOK versions of The Plain Truth magazine are also available as downloads, further increasing our readership.

Advertising and inserts schedule 2024

Spring 2024
Ad copy by 20 April 2024
Inserts delivery 05 May 2024

Summer/Autumn 2024 *Combined Issue*
Ad copy by 28 July 2024
Inserts delivery 30 August 2024

Winter 2024
Ad copy by 20 December 2024
Inserts delivery 05 January 2025

(The magazine is printed and then distributed approximately two weeks after insert delivery dates.)

Advertising on The Plain Truth website

We have two sidebar slots available on our website for advertising.

Size: 264px x 264px

Period /cost for display:
1 month: £50
3 months: £120
6 months: £200

Recent advertisers include: Freedom From Torture · Starfish Asia · Open Bible Trust
Mission Without Borders · Practical Action · Friends of the Earth · Toybox · St Mungo’s
The Bible Network · Bible Society · MAF · Tearfund · Barnabas Fund · Emmaus…and many more.