Hello, I’m Gethin Russell-Jones, and I’m delighted to be the host of our Plain Talking podcasts.

Every month, I interview key figures on subjects that concern us all – and from a Christian perspective. Everything from health (physical and spiritual), happiness, the environment – and of course the Bible – are just some of the topics I cover in our monthly podcasts.

I look forward to presenting our Plain Talking podcasts and hope you find them informative, interesting and inspiring. And if you do like them, please share them with others using the ‘Share’ button in the podcast player. God bless, Gethin.

Plain Talking – Episode 22

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 22

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

In this latest podcast we hear about the disturbing situation in Mali, a country in West Africa. Pastor Charles Yabaga Diarra tells how Christians there have been given an ultimatum by terrorists – either help in their fight against the country’s military power and pay them a Zakat tax (an Islamic tithe) or leave their homes and communities.

I then talk about a medieval pilgrimage route opened in South Wales, stretching from Llandaff Cathedral on the outskirts of Cardiff to the Shrine of our Lady in Penrhys located in the Rhondda Valley. Rev’d David Lloyd (Dyfrig Lloyd), a Priest and Welsh Language Officer from The Church in Wales gives us more information about its history.

*You can read more about this topic by subscribing to our free Plain Truth magazine where I discuss my spiritual journey in Wales, or go directly to my article by clicking this link: To be a Pilgrim.

Finally, regular contributor Brother David Jardine gives us the background of James Hudson Taylor, a remarkable British Baptist Christian missionary to China and founder of the China Inland Mission (now OMF International). It is said that no other missionary in the nineteen centuries since the Apostle Paul created a more systematized plan of evangelizing a broad geographical area than Hudson Taylor. Brother David tells us why.

Plain Talking – Episode 21

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 21

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

We begin the podcast by hearing about a performing arts group called Ny Ako from Scripture Union Madagascar who have been touring Europe and Wales during the summer months. Miara Rabearisoa, Mission Enabler from the Presbyterian Church of Wales, tells of Ny Ako’s deep Christian connection with Wales that all started way back in 1818 by two Welsh missionaries.

Then, we learn about how Christians living in Port Talbot are preparing for the likely closure of the UK’s largest steel works – and the profound social impact it will have. Gethin talks with Margaret Jones, a resident of the town, Andrew Saunders, the mission worker on the Sandfields Estate and his wife Tina Saunders, Manager of the local Baby Bank and Clothes Bank about the impact of up to 3,000 job losses at Tata Steel.

Finally, Brother David Jardine tells the story behind one of the most widely sung hymns in the world – ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus.’ He talks about its composer Joseph Scriven from Northern Ireland, who thought a poem he wrote for his dying mother would bring some spiritual comfort in her last days. Scriven’s life was full of hardships and trials, but, as Brother David points out, his hymn written 150 years ago is still relevant for Christians in every age and generation.

Plain Talking – Episode 20

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 20

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

In this special Podcast edition, we’re focusing on the troubling situation in Gaza, where more than 30,000 people have been killed as Israeli troops conduct their war against Hamas.

I speak with Colin Chapman, author of the ground-breaking book Whose Promised Land? which explores the troubled history of Israel and Palestine – and of the Jewish settlement in the region. Colin acknowledges the religious roots of the feelings on both sides and considers what could end the current situation in Gaza.

After this extended interview, our regular contributor and co-founder of Divine Healing Ministries (www.divinehealingministries.org), Brother David Jardine, explains what divine healing is. ‘Sometimes God does a miracle instantaneously’, states Brother David, ‘but today people are often healed gradually over a period of time. Through prayer, we can expect to find peace, strength and healing, and at least an improvement in our condition.’

By way of example, he takes us to an extraordinary encounter in a Methodist Church, located on Belfast’s Shankill Road.

Plain Talking – Episode 19

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 19

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

In this latest podcast, we focus on persecution that’s taking place in countries where Christians count the highest cost for following Jesus.

Gethin starts by talking with Jim Stewart, Open Doors Lead Officer for Wales, who discusses their latest World Watch List – an annual report listing the fifty countries in which Christians face the most extreme persecution.

Jim highlights the changing trends of persecution with autocratic regimes gaining influence. He goes on to discuss Manipur State in Northeast India, where tensions between the Kuki tribe (who are majority Christian) and the mainly Hindu Meitei people have led to the burning of more than 230 churches and the deaths of more than 60 Christians.

We hear further details about the situation in Manipur from a Christian leader based there, followed by Sharon, a woman who fled Manipur and is now living in the UK.

The Open Doors report also covers the troubles in Iran, where authorities view conversion to Christianity as an attempt by the West to undermine Islam and the Islamic government of Iran. We hear from Dabrina Bet-Tamraz, a Christian who escaped from Iran and talks about the current situation in Iran for Christians and other minority religions there.

We end the podcast, as always, with a positive and inspiring message from Brother David Jardine. This time, he tells us about a remarkable Belfast lady who had three different kinds of cancer, but her peserverence in prayer has led to her being cancer-free for 24 years.

Plain Talking – Episode 18

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 18

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

In this latest podcast, we explore the ‘life of faith’ in different ways.

During this Christmas season, church ministers are at their busiest time. How do they cope with their workload? We hear from two local ministers from different denominations who serve in Bethesda, located in the foothills of Eryri (Snowdonia), about the challenges they face at this time.

We hear first from Reverend Sara Roberts, pioneering a new role as a Community Chaplain, then Reverend Nerys Griffiths tells us of the challenges she has faced as a new minister, ordained in January 2023.

We then move on to interview Jonathan Ruffer, the philanthropist behind the recently-opened Faith Museum in Bishop Auckland, County Durham. Housed in Auckland Castle, the museum has been ten years in the making and offers an immersive experience spanning 6,000 years of faith.

Finally, Brother David Jardine leads us all into the mystery of prayer. He tells us about ordinary people – and how their extraordinary prayers were answered, then urges us to pray about the Israel-Gaza war, rather than merely watching the tv footage. He ends with poignant words from the Christmas Carol O Little Town of Bethlehem.

Plain Talking – Episode 17

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 17

Welcome to the latest Plain Talking podcast, with me, Gethin Russell-Jones.

Storm Daniel’s devastation – Christian Aid and the aftermath. Gethin chats with Jennie Weaver, Christian Aid’s Church Engagement and Fundraising Officer. Jennie talks about Christian Aid’s response (working with Dan Church Aid, their Act Alliance partner) to the extreme rainfall and floods that have devastated parts of Libya. The death toll in Libya’s coastal city of Derna is expected to reach over 10,000.

An historic ordination in Wales. Gethin’s second guest Rebecca Lalbiaksangi will be making history in Newtown, Powys, when the Presbyterian Church of Wales ordains her as its first female minister from the Presbyterian Church of India, Mizoram Synod. The mother-of-two worked as a missionary in Madagascar before moving to Wales in 2011, and will now take up her role in the East Montgomeryshire Pastorate.

The power of prayer. Brother David Jardine ends the podcast by reflecting on almost 50 years as a member of the Society of St Francis, a religious community in the Anglican Church, living under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Brother David considers how powerful prayer can be – and how it can make a big difference in the most seemingly intractable situations.

Plain Talking – Episode 16

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 16

Here’s the latest Plain Talking podcast, with host Gethin Russell-Jones.

Can God turn a person’s life around from terrorist to Christian? Gethin hears how David Hamilton, a member of Northern Ireland’s Ulster Volunteer Force and terrorist bomber, was given a long prison sentence for his crimes. But it was during his time in Maze prison he experienced a total Christian conversion. On his release, David became a full-time Christian worker with Prison Fellowship, and the charity Teen Challenge, and then pastor of an independent church in Manchester.

Gethin’s second guest is Andrew Boyd from Release International. Andrew talks about the growing number of attacks against Christians in Uganda as Islamist terrorism gains ground in the region. He cites the recent massacre of 42 people, mainly children, who were murdered at the predominantly Christian school in Mpondwe. It has been described as the deadliest attack in Uganda since 2010. As Andrew points out, Sub-Saharan Africa is now considered the ‘epicentre of world terrorism’.

Finally, we hear from our regular podcast contributor, Brother David Jardine. This time, he muses on the subject of divine healing, and emphasises that in an age of negativity and criticism we should praise God for what he has given to us, rather than what still needs to be done. Taking this approach, says Brother David, it can help lift our spirits and take our minds off our own difficulties and quicken up the healing process.

Plain Talking – Episode 15

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking – Episode 15

Join presenter Gethin Russell-Jones for another inspiring, informative and insightful podcast.

We hear about the courage and resilience of a ‘wild’ swimmer, Dr Mary Self. At age 17, Mary was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bone cancer, resulting in mid-thigh amputation and months of gruelling chemotherapy. Having always loved open water ‘wild’ swimming, in June 2022 she swam the North Channel from Ireland to Scotland in a relay team with four other amputees in order to raise money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. Listen to Mary’s remarkable story of bravery, strength and determination to overcome her sickness through the power of prayer.

We learn that persecution of Christians in India is increasing. Since the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, India’s Christians (as well as Muslims and other religious minorities) have suffered persecution due to Hindutva – the ideology that ‘only Hindus are true Indians’. Violence against Christians has dramatically increased in recent weeks with many being killed, thousands displaced and entire villages razed to the ground. Caroline Duffield, a media advisor at Open Doors UK & Ireland, gives us a deeper insight into the persecution taking place of people who convert from the Hindu religion to another.

Finally, Brother David Jardine asks why ‘sorry’ seems to be the hardest word to say. In today’s world, we seem so reluctant to genuinely offer an unconditional apology to anyone, even if we know we are clearly to blame. Yet, as Brother David points out, it’s a fundamental Biblical principle to say sorry to God or someone we may have offended. He urges us to recapture the courage and humility to say sorry when we have upset or hurt another person, and how doing so can help restore relationships, bring about healing and restoring our peace.

Plain Talking – Episode 14

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking - Episode 14

In this special Easter episode of Plain Talking, we hear from Revd Canon Sheridan James, who has left SE London where she was Vicar of St Catherine in Hatcham to become the Canon Pastor for Parish and Pilgrims in the much smaller city of St Davids in SW Wales – home to the ancient St Davids Cathedral.

And to provide us with his usual inspiring food for thought, Brother David Jardine has a word or two to say about New York City, boxer Barry McGuigan, and the patron saint of Ireland.

It’s a shorter Plain Talking podcast this time (just 16 minutes), but we hope you’ll find it just as interesting!

Plain Talking – Episode 13

Plain Talking podcast
Plain Talking
Plain Talking - Episode 13

In this episode of Plain Talking, Gethin begins by discussing the troubles in sub-Saharan Africa – an area facing ‘catastrophic collapse’ as Islamic violence sweeps across the region. John Samuel, Open Doors spokesperson for sub-Saharan Africa, highlights the situation facing Christians in this area.

Then, Cardiff-based Dylan Moore chats with Gethin about the often bewildering world of social media, and its significance. Dylan currently leads media policy work for the Institute of Welsh Affairs. He is also a novelist, his latest book being Many Rivers to Cross, which received positive reviews and won a Society of Authors Travelling Scholarship in 2022.

Finally, our regular speaker Brother David Jardine provides another positive message as he prepares us for Lent, encouraging us to pray more and reflect on the blessings that have come our way.